Interested in selling your cards or memorabilia? Book a 30-minute appointment with our buyers at our Apex location, located at 1101 Marco Drive, Ste 100 in Apex!
To ensure fairness to all sellers, please limit your items to 15 or fewer. If you have more, kindly schedule another appointment. Bulk purchases will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please call 919-463-5685.
What you'll need for your appointment:
- Item(s) you wish to sell to CARDIACS Sports & Memorabilia (15 item max, please)
- Any original certifications for the item(s) you are selling.
- Come with a number you want to sell your items for. If you do not know the value of your item, check out for assistance.
*We will not purchase any items which have been exposed to smoke or moisture rich environment.