Discover the secrets of Area Zero and embark on a journey through a world of wonder with Pokémon: Paradox Rift Blister! Unleashing fierce attacks, legendary Ancient and Future Pokémon, including the magnificent Type-Shifted Tera Pokémon ex, will captivate you with their crystalline beauty. With over 180 cards, including 15+ powerful Pokémon ex and 20 Trainer cards, the possibilities for adventure are endless. Step into the new frontier of the Pokémon TCG with the Scarlet & Violet-Paradox Rift expansion! Includes: 1 Scarlet & Violet - Paradox Rift booster pack, 1 Promo Card, 1 Pokémon Coin, and a code card for Pokémon TCG Live.
Discover the secrets of Area Zero and embark on a journey through a world of wonder with Pokémon: Paradox Rift Blister! Unleashing fierce attacks, legendary Ancient and Future Pokémon, including the magnificent Type-Shifted Tera Pokémon ex, will captivate you with their crystalline beauty. With over 180 cards, including 15+ powerful Pokémon ex and 20 Trainer cards, the possibilities for adventure are endless. Step into the new frontier of the Pokémon TCG with the Scarlet & Violet-Paradox Rift expansion! Includes: 1 Scarlet & Violet - Paradox Rift booster pack, 1 Promo Card, 1 Pokémon Coin, and a code card for Pokémon TCG Live.